Sunday, August 31, 2008

Thank you my lovely 5/2!!!

I just want to say that I am very touched by what you guys did for me on Teacher's Day! The decorations, the irritating sprays (haha..), the presents and the words that you all wrote on the board and in the cards. I am so so touched!! Thank you once again...

I'll miss you all for the three weeks that I'll be away. Please look after yourselves well. Don't be lazy ok? Must work as hard as you can so that you will not disappoint yourself at the end of the year!

I can't wait to be back in class after my reservist! In the meantime! Take care!! I love you all!!!

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Believe in yourself

What matters most is how you see yourself.

I feel so sad when I hear you guys saying, "It's too difficult!", "I will surely fail!". If you keep saying all these, you will definitely fail! What's more important is how you see yourself. If you believe that you will succeed and work hard towards that goal, you will succeed!

No one is useless and good-for-nothing!! Remember that!!

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Facing the Giants

"Never Give Up ~ Never Back Down ~ Never Lose Faith"

Watched a great movie yesterday. The movie is called "Facing the Giants". It's about this football team (American football, not soccer) who has been losing and losing. They were about to give up when their coach told them to face up to their fears. To believe in themselves! To overcome their fear of defeat and failure. They did and in the end, the manage to do something no one believed they could do, become champions.

I think we can all learn from them, we all have fears or giants in our lives (things we find hard to do). We all fear failure, fear defeat, fear losing. But until we learn to face them and tell ourselves we can overcome our fears, we all always fail in what we do.

So guys, Face your Giants!!

Friday, August 8, 2008

Happy Birthday Singapore!!

Wow! Singapore is 43 years old already!! It is amazing that a small little country like Singapore can achieve so many things. We must really appreciate what our leaders and forefathers have done to make Singapore into what it is today!

It is now up to us, to make Singapore a better place to live in.

Enjoy this funny video clip that talks a bit about what Singapore is. Haha...

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Josh Groban's You Raise Me Up

Meaningful song. There will always be someone who will come along to help us (raise us up), so that we can do things that we were never able to...


When I am down and, oh my soul, so weary;
When troubles come and my heart burdened be;
Then, I am still and wait here in the silence,
Until you come and sit awhile with me.

You raise me up, so I can stand on mountains;
You raise me up, to walk on stormy seas;
I am strong, when I am on your shoulders;
You raise me up... To more than I can be.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

The Randometer!

Hear ye, hear ye! The randometer has arrived! Well actually it has been around for quite some time already but that’s not the point right.

The randometer is a nifty flash application which, as what the title suggests, generates random numbers. It is really useful for all types of activities. You can use it to practice your maths by generating random numbers to add, subtract, multiply or divide. Or if you need to generate random numbers, like when you're playing games or drawing lots. The possibilities are endless!

I find that the randometer is a useful application which I’ve used it on several occasions.

Kudos (means thank you) to the creator!

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

The Grass is Greener on the Other Side

The phrase, "the grass is greener on the other side", is used to say that the things other people have or their situation always look better than your own, EVEN if it may not be true. I say, "the grass is always greener on the other side". Human beings are funny creature, we will never be contented no matter what. We will always look at other people and wish we had what they have. We would always wish we were like the other person.

Constantly wishing you have this and that will make you miserable. The important thing is to just count your blessings. Learn to be happy with what you have, because it is best for you!! Stay happy and cheerful!!!

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Shine for Singapore

Hurrah! National Day is here again! It a good time to celebrate all that Singapore has achieved. Although we're just a small little dot, we have achieved a lot through the perserverence and hard work of our leaders and the early Singaporeans. It is up to us, the new generation of Singaporeans to make Singapore an even better place than what it is now! Remember, we all can Shine for Singapore!

Here's the music video of the NDP 2008 theme song. Lots of wonderful meaning in the video! I love it!

Click here to find out more about NDP 2008's theme song.

Monday, July 21, 2008

Racial Harmony Day

Today was a busy day for BLGPS. We celebrated Racial Harmony Day!! So many activities to keep everyone entertained! I hope you guys and gals had fun making the craft and walking around looking at the different stalls. I was so busy making sure there was sound and music for the concert. Hope you all enjoyed yourself on this very special day. Remember, being Singaporean means living in a diverse and colourful society. Love one another!